Thursday, June 25, 2015

Quick Update June 25, 2015

A brief summary of our status here in Peace Corps Nicaraagua;
  1. We are healthy
  2. We are content
  3. We are very busy
  4. Warren (Jose) is doing a great job helping his teachers, including not only the primary school ones that are his official assignment, but also secondary school students in Physics and Math, as well as getting a school garden started
  5. Anita is going through "first year teaching primary kids" challenges (teachers, remember your first year?), has gotten her school garden coordinated again, and they have begun planting, and some stuff is already sprouting, and is down to under 140 pounds (lots of fruit, veggies, chicken without hormones, and walking)!
  6. Both of us are getting "mob hugs" from the kids - we are like rock stars!
  7. Have been posting pictures on Facebook (easier than on the blog) but will give you the following link to access those without a FB account (let me know if you are able to see them!)

  1. More another to Teacher Appreciation Day activiites.