Thursday, March 29, 2018

We were hoping for spring during our brief time in the states, but we were a little early.  Our visit to Nevada was blessed with sunshine.

We left just before Carson City had its heaviest snow of the year.  Portland was beautiful, with the cherry trees and daffodils in bloom.  We had a nice visit with Anita's Aunt Helen, sister, and cousin and our good friends Bob and Pam.   Our first Airbnb experience was a wonderful place to stay, within walking distance of downtown but nestled within the forested Portland hill neighborhoods on the west side.  Although we had snow a few nights, the weather was good to us and the Portland drizzle never deterred us from walking about town.  
Next we were on to Boston, a first for both of us.  Boston is a much bigger city than either of us had imagined, a city of contrasts between old and new, with skyscrapers and historic buildings side-by-side.  With its parks and architecture, Boston is a beautiful city.  We especially enjoyed the library, and walking the Freedom Trail and through city parks was a treat.

Oh, and the food has been great, from seared scud to chocolate mice!

Reviving The Blog! - We're on the Go Again!

Warren and I are taking a trip and decided to revive the blog so non-Facebook users can keep up on our whereabouts, and also to do non-political postings.

So, Warren's going to be the main writer, and Anita the main photo-poster, but we'll share the roles.

Our Peace Corps service in Nicaragua ended Oct 31, 2016 and we went back to the the States for a bit after visiting folks in Guatemala immediately after our service, and then returned to Nicaragua until the end of February 2018.

Once again, we went back to the U.S. to see some friends and family and now are making our way to Europe since Warren has never been there. To keep posted on our whereabouts and adventures, subscribe to this blog!

José y yo estamos viajando otra vez y decidimos revivir  el blog "Gringa on the Go" para que gente que no usa Face pueden saber nuestro paradero, y también podemos evitar lo político.

Pues, José va a ser el escritor principal y Anita el foto-póster principal pero compartiremos los roles. 

Nuestro servicio de Cuerpo de Paz Nicaragua terminó el 31 de octubre 2016 y regresamos a EEUU por un rato después de visitar a amigos en Guatemala inmediatamente después de nuestro servicio. 

Después de la visita a EEUU,  fuimos a Nicaragua de nuevo hasta el fin de febrero 2018. Pues, hemos visitado otra vez a EEUU- California, Nevada, y Portland, Oregon.

Desde allí  viajamos a Boston, Massachusetts, donde estamos ahora. Mañana vamos a viajar brevemente a Rhode Island para visitar a gente asociado con Cuerpo de Paz.

El 3 de abril, vamos a ir a España y esperamos quedarnos en Europa 4 meses en total. Jose nunca ha estado allí  - mejor hacerlo ahora cuando lo podemos.