Monday, August 11, 2014

Heading to Nicaragua via Washington DC!!!! Finally

We are waiting in the Salt Lake City airport for our flight to Washington DC. 

We got up at 4 am to be on time for our 6:30 flight out of Reno - when our shuttle was just a minute away I got a call that our plane was delayed, too late to turn back for a little more shut-eye; we'd already checked out.

Our flight was changed to around noon, and our arrival in DC was changed from 4 pm to after 11 pm.  We're continuing to get patience and flexibility training as we continue our Peace Corps journey.

Tomorrow we have training in DC from noon to 7 pm tomorrow, after having breakfast with my second cousin Nicole, who recently served in Peace Corps (PC) in Ghana.

Not much time here and have been having trouble getting internet with any speed to it, so that's all for now.

We will be picked up at 2:30 am on Wednesday from our DC hotel, along with the rest of the folks in our PC Nicaragua group - at least 23 folks, maybe more.

More later....not sure how much later....depends on internet access and time.


1 comment:

Susan and Bill said...

uuummmm patience and flexibility training, yes! I can see it is already fun. Well, so far the PC has been a study in patience and flexibility training. You two are champs at it already.

Was great seeing you. Wish it could have been longer.

Love you two!
Sis n Bro