Friday, September 2, 2011

New Digs

Just moved into new digs last night.  The director is out of town so I moved into her place - one of the reasons I decided to stay longer - a free place.  I'll snap some photos this weekend to show you around a bit.

I have 4 "roommates" plus one wannabe roommate that I kicked out last night - pictured below the gecko.  The 3 official ones are Deepa, who is from India and works here at Empowerment International (, 2 dogs (Nieve & Rocky), and a cat Xena.   I also hear geckos but haven't seen them yet.  This one's from the office...
Office Gecko

The wannabe (below) I named Harry 'cause he was one big hairy bugger (though without hair) - he
was over 2 3/4 inches!  Found him snuggled up cozy on my pillow when I came out of the bathroom.  Of course I dashed for my camera, but s/he had disappeared by the time I got it out.  S/he came out later and was escorted outside, but of course not before I got a quick photo.

There was a beautiful thunderstorm last night and I loved watching the flashes on the brick wall outside my bedroom window - and the refreshing breezes that came with it.

Yes, refreshing breezes - what an appreciation I've gained for them, whether from a storm, or just that little breeze I feel when I come to the end of a block and the breeze is free to blow from the sidestreet.  I have adapted to the heat and humidity through profuse perspiration - if sweating is purifying, I should be pure as new-fallen snow.   If I neglect to drink enough water, my body lets me know through an immense fatigue - happened the other day.

A previous roommate from the other place, Sam (abt 18 y.o), learned the value of water through experience - he could barely move or talk after a session of vomiting.  To my surprise, a doctor came to the house to check him out, and it was clear that he had severe dehydration - they set up an IV in his room and provided medication and a nurse came to check up on him a couple of times.  All for..........$36!  He left for the US a few days later and the line hanging in his room was a constant reminder to drink water....

gecko from new house....

  Nieve, waiting for food...

Rocky, always ready to play




Melchi Cedet,   one of the teen tutors
& inphotography  & cycling groups....    

Angelo, one of the interns....

Juan Jose, photography group

Rafael, left (bicycle group) and Luis, employee, bike group leader                                                                                     
Mario, cycling group 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Granada, Nicaragua, August 27, 2011

I'm not good at keeping a diary, nor at remembering all that I want to, nor keeping up with folks, so this is my attempt at keeping in contact with the people in my life & saving and savoring memories. And Warren doesn't use Facebook (!), so I wanted to post pictures where he would see them...

I am in Nicaragua. Originally Warren and I came for a month to tutor kids (chavalos as they call them here) at Empowerment International. Warren was to tutor math and science and I was to tutor English to kids from the local barrio. I was pretty nervous about tutoring kids, since I didn't have any teaching experience, but it's been a very rewarding experience. So rewarding and fulfilling that I have extended my trip by two months. Warren has been very supportive - he knows how happy I am here and he knows the Nica kids, too.

It's almost 11 pm here, but I wanted to get started tonight - Betty Owen inspired me to do a blog - you are never too old to try something new. So, more later....