Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Department of Jinotega, Nicaragua!

We got our site assignment today!  We will be in the Department (like a state) of Jinotega, in the north of Nicaragua.  A big part of our jobs will be co-planning & co-teaching Environmental Education in an elementary school.  We won't decide on which grades until later, but the options are 3rd through 6th grade.

I still have reports to finish, so this again is brief.  We head to our sites for a visit next week, so there will be photos later. 

The climate is cooler there, but not cold, from what I've heard.  We will have a separate space and will probably be able to cook and also have a little garden (likely a good place for growing kale, with its cooler weather.  

Anyway, bye for now.

Here's a link to some brief information:

File:Jinotega Department, Nicaragua.svg

We'll be in the southern part of Jinotega.

Hasta luego!


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